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SMAPEx-3 Archive
Soil Moisture Active Passive Experiment


AisaHAWK hyperspectral sensor

AisaHAWK is a small and low maintenance SWIR (970-2500nm) hyperspectral sensor that provides high speed data acquisition at high sensitivity. The sensor employs Mercury Cadmium Telluride (MCT) SWIR detector technology which provides the highest sensitivity and signal-to-noise ratio over the full SWIR range of 970 to 2500nm. The spectral resolution is 12nm (6.3nm spectral sampling) and the sensor is provided with a wavelength specific radiometric calibration. The field of view (FOV) depends on the mounted fore optics. For SMAPEx-3 flights a 36° FOV was used. The ground resolution depends on the flight altitude, which in the case of SMAPEx-3 was 400m ASL (0.8m ground resolution). For the Hyperspectral dataset, please contact Alessandra Monerris-Belda: sandra.monerris-belda@monash.edu.


Created: July 2010
Last Modified: March 2012
Maintainer: Xiaoling Wu, xiaoling.wu@monash.edu